A teaser for Preston Miller's upcoming God's Land, which is looking pretty good. Your humble correspondent, slightly slimmed-down from The Girlfriend Experience, can be glimpsed gazing at the sky with a couple of the film's principals.
As you are no doubt aware, I am NOT in the habit of posting trailers, Red-Band or not, on this blog. So my reasons for doing so in this case have nothing to do with my fondness for Seth Rogen, or my much, much, much greater fondness for Anna Faris. What I wanna know—and maybe some of my more film-industry plugged-in friends can help me out—is who is the depraved genius responsible for putting Patto's "The Man" on the end portion of this Red-Band trailer, and can I sue him for illegally inhabiting a portion of my brain space? Because I'm almost entirely certain that nobody in the Continental United States besides myself and Manny Lunch and a couple of the other guys at Downtown Music Gallery even know who/what Patto is/was and/or even give a damn. (Not to go all Rock Snob on you.) (And you know what, I'll bet real money that Patto isn't even in that fucking "Rock Snob" book, or mentioned on its website. Fucking amateurs.) Just ask My Lovely Wife, to whom I drunkenly subjected the track in question multiple times on one of our earliest dates.
So what I'm saying is, either give an accounting of yourself/selves, or GET OUT OF MY HEAD.
In all seriousness, "The Man," by Patto, with the astonishing Ollie Halsall on lead guitar, is a genius track. I do hope that the survivors of this band, who do not, alas, include Halsall or founder/vocalist Mike Patto, are getting a few dollars off of this. They certainly deserve the dough.
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