Hullo dere.
There is little of filmmaking import to report. I choose to honor a New Year's Resolution early, and not call some kind of referendum on a hiring at the L.A. Weekly. At least not here. ('Twas mentioned in my Christmas Topics, at The Auteurs'.) I haven't seen Sherlock Holmes yet. I did see Up In The Air, which I enjoyed up to a point, but not to the point where it would compel me to alter my year's best list. To tell the truth, I find the wildly divergent perspectives on the film that I've seen out there more interesting than the film itself. I am also curious as to the identity of Vera Farmiga's dorsal double.
Truth to tell, the most interesting thing I've got is a travel tale. It begins, in O. Henry fashion, with My Lovely Wife buying a Christmas present for her dad. The present is a very nifty moustache razor from The Art of Shaving, and a box of the tiny, triangular blades said razor accepts.
On the morning of the 23rd, Claire and I got up well before the crack of dawn, dragging down our suitcases in a slightly nervous daze, and taking the nice black corporate car to Newark Airport. Our extremely solicitous and attentive drive —who was so solicitous and attentive that I didn't even mind the fact that he named his own tip on the payment voucher—came chasing after us as we dragged our suitcases into the Continental terminal at Newark."Excuse me, is this yours?" he asked, holding up the tiny box that held those triangular razors.
And indeed, it was ours. The question was, how did it escape from Claire's suitcase? The answer, alas, was easy enough: the zipper at the front of her formidable Samsonite case had slipped off of its track, and now its entire front panel was about to flap wide open.
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