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October 21, 2022


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mike schlesinger

When I finally broke down and got a Blu-Ray player, my motto was "I. Am. Not. Buying. This. Again." Well, almost. I did rebuy the Legacy collections, but only because it was an Amazon Black Friday sale and they were all around $12 each, plus there were enough new bonus features to compensate. But yeah, that's definitely it. And it's doubly aggravating when you think of the literally thousands of their own and Paramount titles Universal is letting gather dust. Kino and Shout! are doing their best, but it's not enough.


I've never been a big fan of the 1943 Phantom of the Opera. I prefer the 1962 Hammer version with Herbert Lom (which has its own flaws but is worth seeing).


Poltergeist (1982)
David “Begelscam” Begelman’s lone blockbuster during his brief reign at MGM (albeit demoted to UA by the time of its release; jettisoned, completely, shortly thereafter, e.g. David Mcclintick‘s essential ‘Indecent Exposure’ published)
Fun fact: Begelman’s talent agent counterpart/brethren, Freddie Fields, also briefly under two-year contract at MGM, would go on to produce the 1986 sequel, The Other Side; Fields tried claim Front-titles crawl accreditation for himself, only to be shot down (c/o MGM’s Alan ‘Laddie’ Jr.) — yet Poltergeist II remains, to this day, “A Freddie Fields Presentation,” if only in subtext, well below the primary/legitimate, “A Victor-Grais Production”


It's been an awful long time since I put anything in the tip jar Glenn, and I can't keep posting how much I enjoy your disc reviews, without remuneration. So $20 for this and thanks!

Glenn Kenny

Much obliged!

Brian Dauth

The amazing thing about MASTER GARDENER is how it advanced Schrader's Christian narrative into Buddhist territory. He traded in forgiveness for unattachment.

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