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March 20, 2022


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This was so fun to read - you must have had a blast writing it! I loved the hilarious introduction. Really good stuff - don't you review any shitty films these days? I was half-hoping for the Flesh For Frankenstein and Blood For Dracula 4K double-bill this time round, but the The Brain Eaters and Monster From Green Hell will have to go on the must-see list now.


"Ever since then I’ve pondered the question of how old a movie has to get before it can legitimately be considered old."

I've thought about that, too. When I was learning movie history, as a teenager in the '70s, an "old movie" meant a black-and-white movie from the '30s or '40s (and sometimes the '50s). Local TV stations were still airing them daily.

But young people today might regard movies of the '80s and '90s as old -- and pre-1980 movies as basically unknown, as pre-1930 (silent) movies were to most members of my generation. As for when a movie can "legitimately" be considered old -- I don't think that will ever be settled. Old seems to be in the eye of the beholder, based on his or her age.

P.S.: I also think Mr. Majestyk is terrific, and I remember the watermelon jokes in reviews.

Michael Schlesinger

Well, let us not forget that a year later, Terry-Thomas, Buddy Hackett and Cinerama reunited in the Greatest. Movie. Ever.

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