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December 06, 2021


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i'd read a substack!

Tim Lucas

This makes my day, even though I don't as yet have 4K and can't say when I'll be getting around to it. We have a Pioneer Kuro Pro, the creme de la creme of plasma sets, and it's too beautiful to replace. The other night I started streaming DEEP RED from Arrow's very nifty app and had much the same reaction you did; it's been years since I've seen it but, as stylish as it was, the violence struck me as gratuitous (I think we get more empathic about such things as we age) and some of it just felt dopey to me - but he was a very young director at the time. I still love it, flaws and all, which I'm sure come ago go with my mood.

Please keep posting. I really do check back frequently. And I'll do the same with my own blog, as best I can.

Warmest holiday greetings!


As a long-time reader and fan since the Premiere days I too would sign up for a GK Substack. In the meantime this guide will keep me going.

TEMPLE OF DOOM and DUNE have long held special places in my film-going heart, I saw both in the theatre in 1984 at the tender age of 10, can you imagine seeing Lynch's DUNE on a gigantic movie screen at the age of 10? That's probably the reason the Villeneuve left me cold.

Anyway, enough rambling. Merry Christmas Glenn to you and yours, thanks for all the great film writing over the years.


"It’s kind of staggering this hasn’t been remade"

Does Lily Tomlin's THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING WOMAN count as a remake of SHRINKING MAN? Or just a parody? I've never seen the Tomlin movie, so I wouldn't know.

I saw DEEP RED at a drive-in in '76 when I was a teenager, and couldn't believe how violent it was. But I could see that Argento had talent. A year later I saw SUSPIRIA (also at a drive-in) and became a fan.

My most controversial movie opinion is that TEMPLE OF DOOM is the best Indiana Jones movie. Pauline Kael thought so, too.

Glenn Kenny

Given that "Shrinking Woman" was intended as an overtly comedic satire, I don't consider it a conventional remake.


It's been yet another tremendous year for home video. I've got my mitts on quite a few of the titles you've reviewed - congratulations for forking out on the UK StudioCanal 4K UHD releases - The Servant is far and away the best looking film I've seen on home video. I'm chuffed that you completely ignore all the shrieks and moans on various forums about the restorations performed by L'Immagine Rirovata. Apparently, Criterion's The Damned has it's colour scheme all wrong now. Well, I've never seen it anywhere else and I think it looks terrific, as do you. Anyway, people on those forums don't actually spend any money buying physical media. Check out Synapse's 4K UHD of Blood For Dracula, if you want to see something else amazing on home video.

And I love your blog. Been waiting almost as long as a pregnancy for another sign of life this year. I was missing you so much last month, I dug out your De Niro biography again.

Biff Dorsey

I love your blog, too, and am chuffed to see it return. "Santa Fe Trail" is cuckoo for Coco Puffs: a real Hollywood hallucination. I saw it first as a child and really enjoyed the crazed intensity Massey brought to the role.

Glenn Kenny

Titch, I think you mean Severin's "Blood For Dracula," which is indeed something else. I'm holding off on a review until I get Vinegar Syndrome's "Flesh For Frankenstein." As for Synapse, I'm greatly looking forward to their 4K UHD "Phenomena." Thanks for the kind words!


Glad to see this update, Glenn. Something I've been wondering for a while, as I've noted your equipment specs over the years, have you never had a projector at your place? Wasn't sure if it was an issue of space or rather preferring sharpness to size. I suppose if you're evaluating these discs on a technical level the TV is going to give you a better vantage to make that judgement, but for me personally I've never been able to go back to a small screen after buying my first projector 10+ years ago.

Thanks again for all the write-ups. I've certainly picked up a fair share based on your recommendations in the past.


Always look forward to your Consumer Guides Glenn, no matter how infrequent they might appear these days. Thanks as always for your support in highlighting the work by labels like ours (full disclosure: Arrow) that may not be on everyone's radar.

As to your future plans for blessing us with your writings, can I reiterate that I'd be first in line to purchase a collection of your SCR pieces?

Gordon Cameron

Oddly, I find myself reading blogs now more than ever. I've found some good ones in various spaces that interest me, particularly video games and history. Good longform writing will never go out of style. Of course, the appeal of many blogs is that they're free, and one is never really entitled to good new writing for free. So I can hardly demand that anyone keep up their blog. But I'm always happy to see when this one is updated.


There you see, Glenn: when the best in the business, such as James White at Arrow, reads your blogs and leaves you encouraging comments, you know that you are doing something top-tier - and there are precious little of those on the net. Far too many adolescent boys, posing as grizzled cineasts. I'm really glad you highlight Arrow's UHD releases, as they are exceptional quality all the way, from the mastering of the video, to the packaging. I collect them all.

Of course, I meant Severin re: Dracula. My Flesh For Frankstein UHD from Vinegar Syndrome was delivered yesterday, so tonight it's a trashy, but gorgeous Paul Morrissey/Udo Kier double-bill.

Chalk me up as one more punter who would definitely subscribe to anything you published.

Glenn Kenny

Thanks for the kind words all. There are several reasons I don't have a projector, one being my wish to stay married. Although Edwin Samuelson, with whom I've collaborated on a number of Blu-ray supplement projects, had a sweet projection setup in an apartment with both wife and child, so it can be managed. And I've really enjoyed viewing stuff on his system.


I still remember how the ending of SHRINKING MAN shocked me when I first saw it on TV, as a kid. I was sure someone would create an antidote to stop the shrinking and there would be a conventional happy ending. But, no, he kept shrinking to "nothing." And he accepted it, which was even more shocking.


Hope I'm not guilty of "spoiling" a 64-year-old movie!


Just now seeing this superb column, Glenn—can you believe I came here looking, hoping, for one of your year-end What Books I Read pieces? Hope that’s in the offing. Anyway, add me to the chorus saying I wd subscribe to your Substack instantly. I get so irritated with the Times’ current tendency to assign a film review to one of a vast pool of writers chosen to match the origin of the filmmaker for maximum positivity, which leaves me muttering, “They should just have had Kenny review this!” But I get what you mean about not doing a Substack if it’s even partly inspired by resentment, and also the possibly-not-worth-it amount of labor/promotion it would entail. (I’d been thinking about launching a ‘Stack to primarily reprint & contextualize many of my long-lost EW TV/book/music reviews to try and justify my career to myself, but who needs that.) Happiest of holidays to you!

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