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January 01, 2021


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This was the most enjoyable read I purchased (authorised Amazon purchase) last year, after it received a stellar full page review in the October 2020 Sight and Sound. As the reviewer wrote: "....it's one of those books you can't believe hasn't been written already. Let's just be grateful it finally has". I didn't even pick up the errata that kept you awake at night. I'm glad you've finally put the book into your blog, because it certainly deserves a place in all the noteworthy things that go on in your life. Wishing you a healthy and prosperous 2020, Glenn!

Glenn Kenny

Many thanks!The reader reaction has, and continues to be, very gratifying.


KING OF COMEDY was actually released in February 1983. Scorsese has remarked that it was Fox's lowest-grossing film of '83. There may have been some screenings in '82.

GRAFFITI "of course was a box-office blockbuster, the third highest-grossing film of the year."

Yep, after THE EXORCIST and THE STING. (1973)

Glenn Kenny

December 1982 in Iceland. It counts!


Yes, I spotted one or two of the above errors, but enjoyed the book so much I didn't want to appear to be one of those pedantic types that can never be happy with anything. And others brought them to your attention anyway. Eh, the Irishman npr interview happened in January 2020 as well, catch that as well? Hope you do more of these books.

Glenn Kenny

Yeah, that was fixed. As in Pokeman lingo, we caught 'em all. [knocks wood]


"December 1982 in Iceland. It counts!"

It does! 1982 it is.

1983 was just the year when Americans chose not to see it.


Sent an email to mac address on 10/28 regarding some Commack connections in book. Did it go through?


You might've only been asking rhetorically about the Fitzgerald quote, but in case not: Yes, he said that. It's in THE CRACK-UP.

Extra-interesting -- and appropriate! -- is that in the same paragraph with the "intelligence" quote he also says he wouldn't, even for more money or fame, ever trade being a writer for anything else; the big downside though was, "Of course within the practice of your trade you were forever unsatisfied."


Hopefully the latest printing corrects the year of the "Let It Be sessions" as 1969, not 1968. And technically they were originally the "Get Back sessions", but fixing the year is more important.

Wonderful book otherwise.

Glenn Kenny

This has been noted and is being addressed, yes. Thanks.

Gareth McFeely

I'm thoroughly enjoying the book, and the detail into which you delve. Occasionally, I'm prompted to go in search of further detail, as with the mention of the origins of the painting by Nicholas Pileggi's mother (I'm from Ireland, and still remember the amount of local attention given to the National Geographic's coverage). I came across a truly fascinating compilation of information about the real-life character behind the painting, https://mrgodfrey.tumblr.com/post/66620475687/whaddya-want-from-me.

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