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October 28, 2017


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Pinko Punko

What means most I think is for you to have laid out the evidence, and now when it cannot be denied, those that denied it before have to look in the mirror. Glad you did such good work. Maybe for once things will seem to get a little better- at least with this current watershed.


Damn, Glenn. That's a fine piece of writing on your experience.

Which brings me to my (somewhat discordant, in light of the topic) tangent: Is there is PDF posted anywhere of your My Life In Pornography, Part I? Your skill in memoir writing here reminded me that I'd like to be print it out and read in on paper, since it's a bit too long form to screen-read for me.

Drew McWeeny

Well, Glenn, as your former target audience and part of the original Ain't It Cool News, allow me to say that I loved the original version of the magazine and I was also excited to see you guys start to punch a little harder. I get why it didn't work in the long run, but the work you guys did on New Line was genuinely great.


Reminded me of how much I enjoyed Premiere back in the day. Imagine if it had still been around - I seriously doubt it would have been able to annihilate Harvey Weinstein though.


Judging from what I read on Twitter, lot of people don't understand how journalism works. You can't print or broadcast something just because it's an "open secret" that everyone "knows" about. You have to gather evidence and PROVE it. And that takes time.

And you'd better be able to defend your reporting in court, in the event that the story's subject files a multimillion-dollar lawsuit against you.

You can bet the NY Times, LA Times and New Yorker vetted their stories about Weinstein and others with their lawyers.


Thanks for writing this up Glenn. When people deny or try to dismiss these types of pieces come out, they don't realize how much hard work is done nor the possible personal and professional repercussions.

It should make one look askance at any organization that blackballs journalists when they have reported something. It would be interesting to hear from other journalists to see what other sort of blackballing has gone on. I know one critic recently that got kicked off a TV channel's screener list for calling into question their cancelling a show, which is small peanuts compared to this, but does seem to be a way companies try and control the narrative.

You also brought back memories of being a kid and just getting into movies. We subscribed to EW, Premiere, and (I think) Movieline. I also watched Bart and Gruber's TV show, thinking that that's what Hollywood was, only to be disappointed later after learning a bit more about those guys.

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