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June 30, 2016


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God I've missed your blu-ray guide - how long has it been? Really appreciated and many thanks for your sterling effort. Thanks alone doesn't feed your habit so I hope the $50 I just sent to your tip jar will go towards something suitably obscure. I've been buying Warner's Clint Eastwood films that used to be shitty but aren't so shitty anymore, like True Crime and was wondering whether City Heat was still the steaming turd it was when I was going through puberty. It obviously is. But I'm now ready for a reappraisal of Eureka.

Grant L

Thank you thank you thank you! Definitely for the "Where's Poppa" roast, which pretty much captures what I felt when I saw it about 25 years ago. Maybe the creepiest part of the rape scene was that while Liebman's speed at which he gets into the rape and how that ignites his "masculinity" is played for dark satire, it feels like it's also cheering for him a little.

I think the thing about Woolrich's usage of tropes was that on some level he connected with them on a deep level. I'm probably remembering wrong, but did he have some degree of mental issues? Especially in one that he used more than once - the extremely sudden disappearance of a loved one, and the maddened search - he brings it alive because the tale really doesfascinate him at a very deep level.

Grant L

Stupidly posted without proofing completely, sorry about the repetitiveness in the second paragraph..

Glenn Kenny

Thanks for the kind words, and thanks for the tip jar contributions—funds will be put toward some Blu-ray shopping, including some of the Tarkovsky stuff coming from Artificial Eye in the UK and a few of the Universal horror classics from Elephant in France. Hopefully I'll include those in a CG for Labor Day!


"Until 4K discs, players, and displays are common..."

By the time 4K discs, players, and displays are common in the US, *8K* discs, players, and displays will be common (or at least available) in Japan.

Pete Apruzzese

This is another great compendium of reviews and it's a damn shame that you *aren't* able to monetize this particular aspect of your writing. Fascinating seeing the same stuff I've been buying getting the Consumer Guide treatment.

Chris L.

Now Kiarostami has left us. We are losing great men and women of cinema now at such an accelerated rate that there isn't even time to mourn and immerse ourselves in each person's work.

There had been reports a year or two ago of his starting a new feature, possibly with Binoche again. Since later updates were scarce, one must assume it didn't proceed very far before he fell ill.

"Through the Olive Trees" is one I'd very much like to see - that's the one Weinstein shelved, right? Perhaps Criterion can some day wrangle it away. Many others yet to discover for us latecomers, though. RIP.


'Lately I’ve been seeing a few Feisty Young People weighing in on how they “don’t like” this movie, and I don’t know what to tell them except “Bless you hearts” and/or “Good luck.”'

It's funny you bring this up because in the past few years we've had ongoing contact with a mid-20s relative and her mid-20s boyfriend, and I've wondered how much their ability to enjoy films I admire comes down to their personal connection to the contexts of the films. Dr. Strangelove is the perfect illustration of this because people their age just cannot identify with the fear/dread/anxiety caused by the Cold War threat of nuclear annihilation and the very serious people in and around the US government and the military who were very serious about it. I grew up at the tail end of the Cold War era and "get" what Kubrick is driving at, but if you don't have a personal connection then most of the humor probably falls flat, not least because it's referencing the absurdity of some of the people and their thinking from those times. Not to excuse Feisty Young People who "don't like" the movie, but I think they're dealing with a handicap that they may not even be aware of.

Tom Block

All I can do is second every compliment you've ever gotten about the guide, Glenn--it gets my eyeballs' full attention whenever I encounter it. (And yeah, "Warlock" would be wonderful.)

>if you don't have a personal connection then most of the humor probably falls flat,

Kurzleg makes a good point. A lot of Strangelove's satire is built not just on the reality of the Cold War but the artistic reactions to the mentality that created it, and it's entirely reasonable those things have fallen too far back into the mists of time for kids today to know that no matter how obvious it seems to us. To a young person who grew up decades after Vietnam and who never had a high-school gym coach who resembled Officer Obie from "Alice's Restaurant", or who didn't come of age when Southern's brand of burlesque was so visible in our culture, it probably *has* to look a little forced.

Grant L

Thing of it is, with North Korea just one example, the possibility of nuclear war is definitely still with us, and calls up Kubrick's remarks in his (still great) Playboy interview, about how the bomb grows more dangerous the more time goes by without its being used, as people grow more used to its existence and a (pretty unfounded) belief that it never will be used slowly grows.

That Fuzzy Bastard

I confess to being one of the ones who's never loved STRANGELOVE. It has a lot of great moments, and of course, the themes are great, but for my money, the airplane shots were done better in 2001, and LOLITA is funnier.
Curious to see WHERE'S POPPA again, though. I caught it years ago, while I was pretty goddamn high, but I remember it as being one of the nastiest– and therefore, most intriguing– comedies I'd ever seen. I took the rape scene as the movie making clear its utter contempt for its protagonist, lest anyone start to sympathize with the put-upon schlemiel.
We're never going to get a good Region A blu of Tarkovsky's STALKER, are we? Sigh.


Dear Glenn, please DO NOT QUIT THE BLOG!

Thank you.

Unkle Russty

I am the squeamish type, which has never stopped me from seeking out ultra-violent films. You have included two films which contain murder scenes that shook me to the core and made me woozy and sick. As a 9 year old I somehow found myself at a screening of I Saw What You Did and that knife murder really did me in. And the final murder in Eureka had me seeing black spots 30 years later. Definitely one of the most brutal killings in cinema history orchestrated by a man who knows a little something about screen violence. Thanks for this fantastic guide, Glenn, and, Eureka!

Grant L

As to another recent Blu-ray release, I watched "Only Yesterday" this weekend and am already looking forward to seeing it again. I echo the comment by the leader of the US dubbing team about what a waste that we haven't had an edition of this beautiful film over here until now. I'm sure there's a tangled backstory, but the only details we're given in the extras is that for many years it was considered "undubbable." OK...

Grant L.

Got my Criterion Muriel and Strangelove in the mail yesterday. Love the Strangelove packaging - the Plan R packet replica, with the Blu-ray credits in the teeny Bible/phrasebook.


Grant L - Not that I really needed it, but you sold me on the Strangelove disc. Plan R AND phrasebook? Awesome!

Noam Sane

1. Thank you for this edition of your Blu-Ray Guide. I tend to nibble at them, I'll read one review and then go off in search of other reviews/info...an education of sorts even if I don't actually get to see each film. Although I do catch up to many of them.

2. I still think Cory McAbee's "American Astronaut" is, while not nec. a capital-G Great Film, is something special, and I don't get how Hollywood could see it and not say, let's give this guy a shot. Fun, beautiful high contrast B&W, deeply weird. Did I mention fun? Still curious what you'd think. I will send you a copy in return for your thoughts. Deal?

3. I've had Andrei Rublev on my DVR for almost a year now from a TCM showing. Why can't I get myself to watch it? (A: long, B&W, foreign, short attention span.) Will I hold it in my heart like I do Stalker? Gimme a push, dude.


"Yellow Ribbon doesn’t immediately seem to possess the gravitas of Fort Apache or even Liberty Valance..."

Or even!


Why no mention of who directed "Rollercoaster"?

Glenn Kenny

I didn't mention the directors of "Appassionata" or "City Heat," either. Or the director of "Dr. Strangelove" now that I look at it. I just didn't feel like it. Since you ask, James Goldstone. There you go.

Grant L

Looks like a Breitbart troll has invaded the comments sections over at ebert.com. Wonder if they're being paid.


While anticipating a possible Labor Day posting.......those Artificial Eye Tarkovskys are getting mixed reviews over at DVDBeaver. Nostalghia and Stalker have been given the thumbs-down quality-wise, while Mirror, Solaris, Andrei Rublev and Ivan's Childhood have been given the thumbs up.

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