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April 24, 2015


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Stephanie Zacharek

This is really lovely, Glenn, and captures what made Richard such a great colleague and wonderful critic. Plus, that picture -- ! He looks like a poet, which I guess he was.

Dennis Cozzalio

Glenn, thanks for this heartfelt appreciation. I had an opportunity to meet Mr. Corliss last year at the TCM Film Festival-- he was signing copies of his new book-- and I had to miss him. Now I really do. He was an important voice for me dating from about the time of that picture. I wouldn't see the world of movies, or the world, quite the way I do without that voice. And thanks for the reminder that he was among the few (including you and me) who had kind words for SPEED RACER.


Sorry to hear this. I loved his writing, especially in the long pop-culture pieces he wrote for Time.com titled "That Old Feeling." They're worth seeking out.


That moment at the climax of Speed Racer when the environment melts and swirls into abstraction is almost literally transcendental.


No version of 'Speed Racer', indigenous or adapted, ever interested me. David Fincher and Naoki Urasawa would be a match made in film heaven however, as would Takeshi Kitano and the loansharking epic 'Naniwa Kin'yudo'.


Those Film Comments in the 70s when Corliss was editor are still awesome issues.

Michael Dempsey

We all must depart one day, of course.

But losing this humane, witty, truly distinctive and therefore irreplaceable writer at only 71 is severely disheartening nonetheless.

Most of all to his wife and other loved ones. Special condolences to them.

But also to those, including me, whose lives his lively, stringent, loving commentaries over the years so greatly enriched.


R.I.P. also Australian cinematographer Andrew Lesnie ('Babe'), who departed 'Mission: Impossible II' under a cloud of controversy but was vindicated by his Oscar-winning work on 'The Lord of the Rings' trilogy.


Richards Corliss and Shickel on Scorsese, 2011.


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