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September 26, 2013


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Tony Dayoub

Excellent. A mutual acquaintance of ours had been taking digs at it all day by comparing it to another "stinker" from last year's NYFF. One which you liked quite a lot. Which is to say, that as soon as he did that, I was fairly sure I shouldn't put too much stock in his opinion of LLEWYN, something which this post has now confirmed.


"The thing about Llewyn, who's played with spectacular understatement with Oscar Isaac, is that he's not depicted as particularly having it coming."

It's the A Serious Man genre...

Jeff McMahon

I thought that one of the tricks of A Serious Man is that while Larry Gopnik is a nice guy and relatable and all that, he kind of _does_ have it coming.

Tom Russell


James Lister

"hoeing his own roe"

You shouldn't hoe roe. It just leaves an unsightly mess.

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