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June 28, 2013


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FWIW, I did think that having Moe Tucker play one of the Williamsburg hipster white supremacists baddies was inspired casting...

Aden Jordan

'Shifty Adventures in the White House'


Laughed out loud at the John Cale-related japes. Also appreciated the TMBG reference. Nice work as always!

Noam Sane

"President Brian Eno" - best laugh I've had since skipping out of work to watch "This Is The End" earlier in the week. Which happened after I received from HR my "final warning" (also my first warning) after arguing with the boss. So laughs are good right now.

Grant L

Woods' traitor character wasn't named Doug Yule?

Nathan Duke

I'm surprised you didn't say anything about the White House tour guide, Marc Bolan.

bedroom furniture

great man :D

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