« The 25 best films of 2012: 20 through 16 | Main | Department of older business »

December 19, 2012


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David Ehrenstein

11. Les Bien-Aime

12. Les Miserables

13. The Sessions

14. Zero Dark Thirty

15. Argo


ONCE UPON A TIME IN ANATOLIA is so good. I had to see it twice to really get it. It's probably NBC's best. It's certainly his biggest and most ambitions.

Kevyn Knox

15. Flight

14. Little White Lies

I have been sitting on my review of this one for a hell of a long time. It only took about fifty years to finally reach these shores.

13. Damsels in Distress

Gotta love Gerwig. I have a feeling she will make it even higher on next year's list.

12. Prometheus

I had thoughts of this making my top three before I saw it. I suppose its twelfth place finish makes it a disappointment for me as well. Not so bad a disappointment as others would have you believe.

11. Holy Motors


Okay, why the hell not? Limiting myself to movies that premiered in Chicago in 2012:

15. Resident Evil: Retribution 3D (Anderson)
14. The Hunter (Pitts)
13. Our Children (Lafosse)
12. Meeting Leila (Yaraghi)
11. Prometheus (Scott)

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