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May 21, 2012


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Man, this sounds terrific. I hope it screens in Chicago sometime soon. Many thanks for bringing this film, and Ms. Telaroli, to my attention.

The Siren

"...Telaroli has an affection for trains and train travel that I think is endemic to a certain kind of cinephile/cineaste."

Ha. I am that cinephile of whomst thou speakest. I was so sorry to miss this, but the daughter's on-stage piano rendition of "Lavender Blue" took precedence. I have it on excellent authority that it will be screening again soon. Meanwhile, I was linked up to this, from Gina's tumblr--a video essay on trains in movies that made me as happy as I'm likely to be this week.



I missed this film because I was on a train myself, from Connecticut to New York. I hope it pops up again in another context here. A week-long run at Rerun?

Glenn Kenny

[goes into coughing fit]

Louis Godfrey

Gina's video essay (which is more an expressionistic riff than straight analysis, although it has some pretty penetrating insight) on Cronenberg's DEAD RINGERS is one of the best things I've watched this year. Really exciting stuff.

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