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January 23, 2012


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Matt B

Great Essay. RIP Bingham.

"And it made me shudder, during the post-October periods when I saw him in scrambling mode. To think that a guy as sharp as that, with that kind of taste and tenacity and understanding of both art and commerce was NOT running things...I couldn't fathom it."

It wont be that way forever.

Greg Mottola

Very nicely put, Glenn. Bingham was always very kind and encouraging to me and a great guy to talk about movies with. Not only did he distribute a lot of really interesting movies, he distributed them very well, getting them to a wide, appreciative audience and paving the way for a lot of filmmakers (I'd include myself in that group).


I remember seeing LOST HIGHWAY, BREAKING THE WAVES, CEMETERY MAN, NADJA, THE FUNERAL, THE ADDICTION, and SECRETS & LIES all on the big screen....and chances are that may not have happened have happened without Mr. Ray, may he rest in peace.


I remember going to a New York Film Festival screening where people cheered the October Films logo.


Beautiful but sad


Your post is very moving, Glenn. I did not know Mr. Ray at all, but I could tell from all that Biskind wrote about him in 'Down & Dirty Pictures' that he was definitely one of the good guys in an all too cutthroat business. I was excited to hear that Mr. Ray was overseeing the San Francisco Film Society a few months ago, and it's very sad that he barely had time to work with them before his passing. His work will definitely be remembered and live on.

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