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August 11, 2011


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Mr. Milich

Not a big Warrant fan I take it...

Glenn Kenny

They had that one okay song. But now that you bring it up, few things used to piss me off more (relatively speaking, I mean) than these frigging (usually blond) hair bands who'd come out of the gate all cock-rock and what-the-fuck-is-up and then IMMEDIATELY detour to the pussy-ass power ballad to lock in the boob-flashing demographic. Bullshit then, bullshit when recollected in tranquility. At least bands like Purple and Grand Funk had the integrity to go pretentious when they went slow.

Mr. Milich

Someone I once knew abided by the philosophy that even the worst band had one good song...

Tom Block

He never heard the Doobie Brothers.


I'm glad the Doobie Brothers existed for at least two reasons:

1) Millie playing and singing "Jesus is Just All Right with Me" in FREAKS AND GEEKS.

2) Mark Wahlberg inexplicably singing a few lines of "Black Water" to prove to the holed-up residents of a house that he and his fellow survivors are just regular folks and not to be feared. Understandably, this doesn't work.


R.I.P. Robert. I can't believe it's been over seven years since I told a friend over drinks that I'd heard he killed himself and we subsequently rhapsodized about THE BLUE MASK and BLANK GENERATION.

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