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July 07, 2011


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I really want to see this. Now I have the wife's must trusted critic's validation. Thanks.


Do you really think it does justice to the E.H. Shepard illustrations? Because if it does I will go see it, no question.

Also thanks for giving a shout-out to Mary Blair; what with the reprinting of those incredible Floyd Gottfredson Mickey Mouse dailies, the real talent stuck under the Disney boot has a question in the air...

Dan Hahn

Critics are the very last people I would ever listen to when makeing even the least important desiion.

Dan Hahn

Sorry about the misspelling; Decision.

Jeff McMahon

Yeah, the marketing team usually has a better sense of things. After all, they worked on the movie!

Glenn Kenny

Never mind the spelling, Dan; you sure you're not looking for the thread directly BELOW this one?


Well, gosh. I actually really wanna see this now. I can only hope that I, a bearded man in his 20s who will be sitting alone, don't draw too many suspicious looks from the parents in the theater.


Dan, you forgot to apologize for "makeing."


... and incorrect use of the semi-colon.

Gordon Cameron

>Critics are the very last people I would ever listen to when makeing even the least important desiion.

I dunno, I bet Glenn could recommend some decent pizza joints.

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