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January 26, 2011


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"The position that 'True Grit' takes on vengeance and vigilante justice is really irresponsible. Why oh why is it not more like 'Barton Fink' in its attitude!"


Bryce, I think you and I might share an internet acquaintance.


Also, it's days like this that make me hate the fact that I'm currently trying not to buy things for myself.

And, I guess:

"I love tough-guy stories about how you stared down that dude at the screening of THE WOMAN. You must be really strong and not one to mess with."

warren oates

Is it just me or is the riot scene perhaps the most profound statement on American race relations ever realized in the cinema? I've forced that scene on countless friends in an attempt to ignite more Fuller fandom.

One of them even showed me a clip from Dave Chappelle's show in which he plays a blind (and unbeknowst to himself) African American clan leader. The clip was funny, but couldn't come close to the brilliant incendiary hysteria of SHOCK CORRIDOR.

Fuller's scene is also, among other things, about mob mentality, the demonizing of the other and the absurd power of naming names--the Red Scare as much as a lynch mob. The whole of American society at that moment with very little exaggeration quite accurately portrayed as a madhouse.

That Fuzzy Bastard

I'd go with a Howard-the-Duck-style "WAAAAAUUUUUUUGHH!"


"Mary Jane! Where's my upside down kiss??!! Don't leave me hanging!!!"


Is that dude's throat cut?

Tom Block

>Is it just me or is the riot scene perhaps the most profound statement on American race relations ever realized in the cinema?

It's not just you.


The film also has a profound statement on nymphos.

Chris O.

"But I was informed there would be free WiFi."

James Keepnews

I wonder what we happily no longer call an intentional misreading -- much less a "mash-up" -- of SC would be like, e.g. overlaying the race riot scene with the soundtrack from Johnny Barrett's dream sequence (the strangest, loveliest moment in all of Fuller's oeuvre, cheap color and all?). And what should go under this image? Quite obviously: "Nymphos!"

Brad Olson


Tony Dayoub

"They killed Heath AND Audra!?"

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