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December 22, 2010


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That Fuzzy Bastard

Was Lovely Wife the newsreader? She was fantastic! It was a beautiful show all around, and I was in awe of her ability to play what must have been fairly unrehearsed text with juuuust the right dose of feeling.


My mouth isn't watering at the sight of all those doughnuts, but at all those Eclipse sets.

Glenn Kenny

@ TFB: Indeed, that was she, and thanks from us both for the kudos. She not only read the news items, she compiled and collated them from the AP wire every day. We were a little disappointed with the review of "Radio" in the Times, which largely ignored the film/performance aspects of the piece, and said of Claire's participation, "A woman read news reports." For a brief, laugh-away-the-pain period, Claire was referred to that way around the house, as in, "Say, a woman, would you like more coffee?" etc.


Congratulations to Claire! And yeah, those Eclipse sets...you know how many I have? FOUR!

But Merry Christmas anyway!

Stephen Bowie

Wow, I noticed the donuts and not the Eclipse sets. I'm really getting older, and not in a good way.

Owain Wilson

That granola is just ... immense! Merry Christmas boys and girls.

The Siren

The merriest of Christmases to you and YLW, from the owners of another ecumenical tree.


Square donuts must be an NYC thing (or specific to this shop). Criterion posted a similar looking lot on their Facebook page the other day.


See? Doughnuts...Criterion...everything eventually connects. Maybe BABEL wasn't such a bad movie after all.

Chris O.

Happy Holidays back at you. Big congrats on both the MSN gig and the weight loss (I know you'll get tired of the latter congrats and will want it to be a normal thing, but it's quite an accomplishment). Congrats to the Mrs. as well. Thanks for a great blog.

Kevyn Knox

Happy X-Mas to you and yours Mr. Kenny.

Tom Carson

Merry Christmas to you and YLW, Glenn, and bless you for creating SCR. I still remember how Hachette did the Stupid Thing one morning and you had this site up and running by 7 pm the same day. That's what they call undeniable.

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