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November 07, 2010


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You really don't look like you anymore. Not that I've ever met you in person or anything, but still -- this transformation gets more astounding by the day. Which I mean as a compliment. But really, it's getting close to head-spinning.

Meanwhile, I rank that version of PHANTOM OF THE OPERA as one of the great disappointments of the classic era of horror films. Guys, Claude Rains is RIGHT THERE!! And you let him disappear for, like, an hour, in favor of who? A couple of blanks like Nelson Eddy and Edgar Barrier?? I just don't understand your thinking there...

Glenn Kenny

@ Bill: Well, thanks. Sometimes I don't recognize myself, actually...

Yeah, that "Phantom" is weak, but I was told the print of the picture—which is in particularly glorious Technicolor—was really special...

Charlie R

I tried to make it out for Horror-Thon this weekend but I never quite made it up to the Lafayette. Shame as I really wanted to catch Bride of Frankenstein and maybe Carnival of Souls. The Lon Chaney Phantom of the Opera they showed last week for Halloween was a pretty dire print, but Jeff Barker on the Wurlitzer was, as always, wonderful. I had the chance to take someone who had never seen a silent film before and the experience for them was a real eye opener.

Pete Apruzzese

*You're* exhausted? :)

Thanks for coming out to the shows, Glenn. Glad you enjoyed the presentations.

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