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October 15, 2010


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Sam Adams

There's a funny resonance between Assayas' use of the Feelies at a pivotal moment and the fact that his wife opens her most recent movie with the Modern Lovers' "Egyptian Reggae," which sounded like a Feelies song even before they covered it. Kismet, or something.

Tom Carson

One thing I love about the "Sonic Reducer" shootout sequence is that the Dead Boys never did quite cut it as punk immortals, which struck me as adding yet another sneakily reductive twist to Assayas's take on the demented terrorists = rock stars equation that Carlos and his kind lived by. I mean, it's not like he used "Anarchy in the UK" or whatever, in which case he could've been fairly accused of romanticizing.


This is all very interesting (which sounds sarcastic, but isn't). I'm going to do my damndest to watch this whole thing over the weekend.

Kent Jones

His way with music has always been sharp. He uses "Debaser" by the Pixies to powerful effect in PARIS AT DAWN, and I really love the way Brian Eno's music works in CLEAN.

Mark Asch

The nice/ironic place you had in mind for "Higher Ground" is the Berlin Wall/family postcard sequence, I assume? (currently scored to your "notable exception" to the post-punk, "Pure and Simple," by the Lightning Seeds, which I think works great, actually, though again daringly noncontemporaneous). "Only Life" is a really great record about domesticity and its, well, undertow, and in addition to having come out the year before the Wall came down I can see the plaintive, tense "Higher Ground" getting really well at the discontent/contentment coursing through that really astonishingly complex personal/political montage.

James Keepnews

I did feel the disjuncture during the moment of post-explosion narcissistic self-regard -- a scene that appears to be recognized as sort of an instant classic -- and music scored many years after the historical events. And of course New Order's sound at that early point is very much a template for 80's British Not-So-New Wave thereafter -- when I heard it on the soundtrack, I initially thought it was a Cure song.

A word for Sonic Youth's work in DEMONLOVER, some of their very best of recent vintage and surprisingly varied in texture and dynamic. I'd love to hear more soundtrack work from our heroes.

Steve Macfarlane


saw it last night. is Any kind of soundtrack listing online?

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