Not an illustration from the scene itself, but an image from one of the films under discussion.
For a prior scene, see here.
SCENE: The Carroll Gardens apartment that the proprietor of this blog, "GK," shares with His Lovely Wife ("HLW"). Living room.
(GK, sitting on the sofa, closes his laptop computer and sighs. HLW, who's been straightening out by the entrance to the kitchen, raises her head.)
HLW: What's wrong?
GK: Nothing...jeez, these knuckleheads over at Wells' site, complaining about The Town, how the central romance between the Rebecca Hall and Ben Affleck characters isn't "plausible." Goofy. I mean, granted, it's a genre convention, but...(shrugs)
HLW: Yeah, why go to the movies in the first place, right?
GK: Yeah, I left a comment...if these yo-yos put their money where there mouth was, they could make Frederic Wiseman as rich as George Lucas...because, you know, Frederic Wiseman movies, they're really plausible...
(GK gets up from the sofa, starts getting his gym bag packed)
GK: And of course these guys, like everybody else, only pull out the plausibility card when it suits them this case, The Town is a pretty easy target, since you can nitpick from the accents down if you're so inclined. Of course you have to be so inclined, really have it in for the picture.
HLW: Right. Like you were with Notting Hill.
(GK looks up.)
GK: What?
HLW: Notting Hill. You said it was "implausible." You said no way would a famous actress ever fall for an obscure book dealer, even if he did look and speak like Hugh Grant.
GK: I said that?
HLW: You did. I think you were having some sort of Julia Roberts problem at the time.
GK: I don't think I said that. I think I said that nobody would give that stupid speech...
HLW: "I'm just a girl...looking at a boy...and asking him to love me?"
GK: Right. Which is a stupid speech. And, you know, I like a lot of Richard Curtis' writing...
HLW: I know, I know. 'He wrote 'The Skinhead Hamlet.'" Yes, that's very fair-minded of you. Anyway. You did say that. But you also did say that no way would a famous actress fall for, etcetera.
(GK clears his throat, finishes packing gym bag, zips it up.)
GK: You ready?
HLW: (smiling enigmatically) Yup.
(They exit,and go down three flights of stairs in silence, then out the front door. On the stoop, GK pauses.)
GK: You know, there's a difference between being merely implausible, and dealing in pernicious bullshit.
(HLW considers this pronouncement.)
HLW: That may be so.
GK: And I think Notting Hill might have crossed that line.
HLW: Perhaps.
GK: So there you have it.
HLW: Okay.
GK: But I'll admit, you almost had me there.
HLW: I could see you getting a little wobbly. The knees were going.
GK: Yes. Very nearly a TKO.
HLW: (smiling enigmatically, again) Yeah, you really pulled a rabbit out of a hat there, sport.
(They descend the stoop stairs. And, scene.)
Ahhhh, ain't that the truth! "Plausibility" (or "bullshit") is a cudgel we whip out when we dislike a movie, but rarely an actual reason to dislike a movie.
Posted by: That Fuzzy Bastard | September 20, 2010 at 08:06 AM
The only time "implausibility" bothers me in an onscreen romantic relationship is when it's really just a disguise for ego -- all these star-driven vehicles where we're supposed to believe that, oh no, of COURSE that incredibly lovely and intelligent young woman is going to fall for a 70-year-old comic/75-year-old-action-star/triple-chinned slacker. Who WOULDN'T?
But implausibility in offscreen relationships? In which even a cranky critic can find someone to love? I'm grateful for that kind of far-fetched idea daily...
Posted by: Stephen Whitty | September 20, 2010 at 09:19 AM
The main "plausibilty" problem with 'Notting Hill' is that it ethnically whitewashes what is in fact an area of London with a long and strong Afro-Caribbean association.
Posted by: Oliver_C | September 20, 2010 at 10:13 AM
As I've never seen a picture of YLW, I like to imagine Nick & Nora in these sorts of things. And when I do, I tend to either forget or stop caring about what they're talking about, and just enjoy the wonderful couple-specific banter that married people can have.
Posted by: Matthias Galvin | September 20, 2010 at 10:50 AM
Posted by: A different Brian | September 20, 2010 at 12:18 PM
That was really very sweet, Glenn; it brightened up my morning considerably. Thank you very much for sharing it.
Posted by: Tom Russell | September 20, 2010 at 12:31 PM
I've been reading the book (and why it's taken me so long is something between me and my creator) and my problem isn't that she'd fall for MacRay, but that MacRay would pursue her in the first place. It's a pretty dumb thing for a guy like him to do.
But this hasn't impeded my enjoyment of the book at all, really. Initially, a little bit, but the implausibles have played out with a lot of tension and even logic, so why bitch?
Posted by: bill | September 20, 2010 at 01:19 PM
I'd say that anything that takes you out of a movie is a reason to complain about it. The question then becomes, was that something an irritant specifically for you (as most of Wells' are) or something deeply ingrained within the film that the filmmakers should have known better to include.
Posted by: Jeff McMahon | September 20, 2010 at 01:42 PM
@ Jeff: Point taken. And with a picture as setting-specific as "The Town," those Bostonians who are so inclined will likely discover a lot of nits. On the other hand, there is the willing refusal to suspend disbelief at work with a lot of the complaints you see in certain venues. And for all that, it's more legit to complain about what's taken you out of the completed movie than to bitch about how many takes somebody told you a director made his actors go through, which is such TOTAL bullshit that my wife and I never disagree on it...
Posted by: Glenn Kenny | September 20, 2010 at 01:52 PM
"'s more legit to complain about what's taken you out of the completed movie than to bitch about how many takes somebody told you a director made his actors go through, which is such TOTAL bullshit that my wife and I never disagree on it..."
Whoa, twitter crossover. :-D
Posted by: Tom Russell | September 20, 2010 at 01:56 PM
The main suspension of disbelief issue in Notting Hill was Anna Scott's excessively thin-skinned reaction to tabloid headlines about her love life, around which crucial plot points turn. Given how long Anna has been famous, she would be inured to foolish tabloid stories - it would be near-impossible for her to function at her level of fame otherwise. The romance itself was fine.
Aside from the wince-making "I'm just a girl" speech, it's quite a nice movie, and if you're looking for true perniciousness and unbelievability you have only to look to Love Actually, or Curtis Unchained.
Posted by: Stephanie | September 20, 2010 at 03:14 PM
I tend to think a film is allowed one major conceit (a man has superpowers, etc.), but after that the conceit police come out - especially if the authors have written themselves into a hole and change the rules to dig themselves out. But the conceit can be questioned if it becomes too easy to imagine the better movie and/or what the conceit says about its makers. The conceit of Pretty Woman is that a rich businessman falls in love with a hooker (with a heart Glenn Beck could hawk). My problem isn't the meet cute, it's the story they tell out of it.
Posted by: Damon | September 20, 2010 at 03:53 PM
I don't remember calling you "Sport."
Posted by: Claire K. | September 20, 2010 at 05:14 PM
Doesn't it make a difference whether plausibility is a movie's major concern/selling point in the first place? I never get worked up about it in genre pieces -- romances, crime flicks, whatever -- unless something happens that violates the rules of the movie's world, not the one we live in. And people who have "plausibility" issues with INCEPTION, say, just mystify me.
On the other hand, I can go on about the inaccuracies, short cuts and misrepresentations in the sainted SAVING PRIVATE RYAN -- a movie ostentatiously claiming to show us How It Really Was -- until the cows come home. At times, this has reduced anyone in the vicinity to imitating mooing.
Posted by: Tom Carson | September 20, 2010 at 05:14 PM
@ Claire K: Poetic license, dear. And perhaps an implied suggestion that you call me "Sport." Although why I would suggest such a thing is beyond me. Might as well ask you to call me "Butch" or something. THAT doesn't make fact it's downright implausible...
Okay, I'm officially procrastinating now...
Posted by: Glenn Kenny | September 20, 2010 at 05:35 PM
How about "Champ"? Or "Boy-o"?
Posted by: Claire K. | September 20, 2010 at 07:04 PM
Is it plausible that a film critic would be addressed as "Champ"?
Posted by: That Fuzzy Bastard | September 20, 2010 at 07:34 PM
I would wager it all depends on what kind of "Sport" you are. The obvious association is Harvey Keitel in TAXI DRIVER. I'm certain that wasn't the kind of "Sport" you were thinking of.
I'd like to think of the John Glover's Alan Raimy used the name in 52 PICK-UP. Raimy's "That's mighty white of you" line is one I use at random quite often. Usually no one has a clue what I'm talking about.
Posted by: Aaron Aradillas | September 20, 2010 at 07:47 PM
Well, Fuzzster, my self-esteem these days is even more obnoxiously off the hook than it's been in a while, which is saying something. (Sample exchange from NYFF screening: Some Dude GK Met At A Party Back In June: "How have the past couple of months been for you?" GK: "Awful! But I LOOK GREAT!") And you know, I may not be a film critic forever!
Posted by: Glenn Kenny | September 20, 2010 at 07:49 PM
I've read that 'every story can have one fantasy premise and no more to be successful' line before from some famous filmmaker or critic - does anyone know who?
I agree with Tom Carson's point earlier - each movie has, shall we say, a tone or pitch of 'realism' that it's attempting to operate under, which allows the filmmakers more or fewer degrees of latitude in how much disbelief the audience can suspend. With Cloverfield, I didn't have a problem with the basic concept, 'a monster attacks NYC and it's recorded on a video camera', I had a problem with the disconnect between the video verite premise and the utterly retarded, boneheaded, only-in-a-movie things the characters were doing. But I don't have a problem when the same things happen in, say, Scary Movie.
Posted by: Jeff McMahon | September 20, 2010 at 10:35 PM
Oh, and another movie that had the 'too many premises' issue for me was Hancock, where we first got used to the 'real-life superhero' concept, and then they tossed in a really strained 'origin' story.
On the other hand, to somebody like myself who's not aware of the many inaccuracies and misrepresentations in Saving Private Ryan, I still have no problem enjoying that movie and calling it one of Spielberg's best. Ignorance is bliss, maybe?
Posted by: Jeff McMahon | September 20, 2010 at 10:38 PM
"I've read that 'every story can have one fantasy premise and no more to be successful' line before from some famous filmmaker or critic - does anyone know who?"
Must've been De Sica...
Posted by: Castle Bravo | September 20, 2010 at 11:15 PM
TLW is a good'er. You'd be well advised to keep her, even if she doesn't take Geritol.
Oliver C, Curtis mentions the melanin-deficient portrayal of Notting Hill in the commentary of "Love, Actually."
He says this DJ approached him and complimented him on the special effects in NH. What special effects? That you made a movie in Notting Hill with no black people in it.
Curtis said touché and cast him as the wedding DJ in "Love, Actually."
Posted by: hamletta | September 21, 2010 at 01:05 AM
I thought "sport" was often used as a dismissive term towards short people.
Also, Jeff, I'm not sure that one has to be very informed about WWII to see how awful that flag-waving, weepy bookend in SPR is, or how one-note the characters are throughout the film.
Posted by: lazarus | September 21, 2010 at 01:25 AM
All romance is implausible. That's the beauty of it. Your sweet-souled better half understands this very well.
Posted by: The Siren | September 21, 2010 at 09:22 AM
The sad souls over to Wells' bullshit emporium would probably complain about Bogart and Bergman, Bogart and Bacall, Bogart and Audrey Hepburn (well, maybe that one's a tad implausible), but as a card-carrying romantic I rarely have such problems. I found the romance in The Town perfectly appropriate and the film a bracingly professional job of filmmaking, especially the Fenway shootout. My Better Half, not previously a fan of Ben or Becky, teared up at the tend.
Posted by: Michael Adams | September 21, 2010 at 12:11 PM
Glenn, it looks like you might have to start a thread on how Spielberg's SAVING PRIVATE RYAN is a piece of shit. Maybe time it to the upcoming Blu-ray Criterion release of THE THIN RED LINE. You know how much I love it when film criticism gets broken down to my-WWII-movie-masterpiece-is-better-than-your-WWII-masterpiece "discussions."
I'll admit that the framing device of SPR is a little taxing, but the first and last shots of the movie should be enough to let you know what Spielberg is really getting at.
Posted by: Aaron Aradillas | September 21, 2010 at 01:09 PM
I would agree with you, Aaron, that SPR doesn't deserve much of the abuse heaped upon it -- its portrait of the American GIs seems pretty serious to me, as do Spielberg's intentions -- but I wonder if the complaints about the framing device don't arise from, and aren't often applicable to, Spielberg's work as a whole?
It's always seemed to me, in fact, that MOST of Spielberg's films --Schindler's List, A.I., Munich -- could have ended a scene or two earlier than they did. It's almost as if Spielberg distrusts his own audience, and so insists on repetitively hammering home his point (and providing some sort of resolution)just to make sure everyone "gets" it.
But then I always thought "Jaws" should have ended with Richard Dreyfus six fathoms deep, and Roy Scheider sitting there, alone, on the top of that slowly sinking boat...
Posted by: Stephen Whitty | September 21, 2010 at 03:15 PM
I see no reason to expend energy on yet another discussion of 'Saving Private Ryan' given that Willian Goldman has already expressed, on record, what is pretty much my own opinion.
Posted by: Oliver_C | September 21, 2010 at 04:45 PM
William Goldman, isn't he the guy who wrote DREAMCATCHER? Take away ALL THE PRESIDENT'S MEN and you really don't have much to stand on.
BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE SUNDANCE KID is popular but not a really great American film. It seems to coast on charm. (THE STING is the better Redford-Newman showcase.)
MARATHON MAN is good but hardly a great movie. Speaking of plausibility, how come no one ever mentions that the then 40-year-old Dustin Hoffman looked a little old to play a graduate student?
I've always found THE PRINCESS BRIDE to be a tad overrated. Its snarky approach to fairy tales always seemed to undercut the romance of the story.
As for the GOOD WILL HUNTING rumors? I actually think Affleck & Damon are better writers than Goldman.
I remember Goldman's takedown of SAVING PRIVATE RYAN in Premiere Magazine. Even the snot-nosed 20-year-old version of myself thought he was full of shit. All he did was take cheap shots and complain that the wrong guy was at the cemetery. I actively hated those holier-than-thou takedowns of the movies nominated for Best Pciture that Premiere would run.
Glenn, seeing as you don't have anymore loyalty to Premiere, care to shed some light on Golman's contributions to the mag?
Posted by: Aaron Aradillas | September 21, 2010 at 07:34 PM