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September 23, 2009


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Well, I guess I don't need to see 6ixtynin9 now!

Tony Dayoub


Bill, that is the single funniest comment I have ever read.

Ed Howard

Yeesh, thanks for spoiling the end of Code Unknown too. Now everyone knows there's no rain of frogs.

Aaron Aradillas

Well, Tigerland IS better than The Boys in Company C.

Besides, Schummacher's creation of D.C. Cab AND The Lost Boys makes him tops in my book.

"Don't let your d--- run your life!" - Dialogue from D.C CAB


I wonder what having Joel Schumacher piss acid in your eyes would be like.

Oh, wait:



These are great. I would love to see more new old notes.


Why didn't you call it "Political Song For Michael Jackson to Sing"? :)

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