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May 05, 2009


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a quiet, regular reader from Tucson

The Mountain Park is ok, but Seven Falls is the hike to do if you're only doing one hike in Tucson. I thought everybody knew that. Oh well....

I would have liked to come to this if I hadn't been out of commission with bronchitis the last 2 weeks.

Michelle O.

That sounds like a fascinating panel, do you know if they recorded it and have plans to post it somewhere?

I'm not sure if you are referring to what your comment about Ms. Roiphe brought to mind for me, but I have to say that slate "book club" podcast about IJ was beyond disappointing, and frequently downright imbecilic. There seemed to be a cocktail of bitterness and stubborn, almost sulky frustration the participants were all sipping from, liberally, and it kept them grouching, in almost embarrassingly revealing ways, about everything but the book itself. Totally inadequate, I was surprised they posted it at all. Anyway, that bothered me for a while, which bother was vindicated here, by you.

John M

Oh, I think it's probably for the best that you didn't bring that hat home. Though it would've come in handy for any Come Dressed As Doctor Moreau parties.

Also, there's a Grimaldi's in Dallas, and it's by far the best pizza I've had in Dallas. Yay chains, I guess, in this case.

unreliable narrator

Hello again Mr. Kenny—nicely written and illustrated! I agree that anyone who's interested should order this issue of the journal, which offers dense and deeply engrossing reading (and has artwork by Karen Green to boot). I was really impressed by U of A, and it was an honor to be in the same room with you and the other panelists, and hear your stories and perspectives.

You probably already know this but I believe that Marshall is the sole author of Understanding David Foster Wallace; the other gentleman's name is but that of the series editor. WIth all due respect to editors and their contributions. Glad you got some pool time, too—was that the encoded meaning of all those b&w gams you pre-blogged over the weekend?

Claire K.

You have no idea how disappointed I am that I'll never be able to see that hat in person.

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