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January 22, 2009


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Looking forward to your Hawks entry, as well as your obvious casting against type. :D

S.F.  Hunger

So how exactly did you land this role? Did Soderbergh do a film-critic casting call, or what?


Is this going to make it to IFC On Demand, or what? Because I'd sure like to see it.

Kelly Borg

Hey, Glenn. Those are some serious reviews! Can't wait to see it.

Glenn Kenny

@S.F. Hunger: The screenwriters, Koppelman and Levien, suggested me to S.S., who I first met around the time of "The Limey" and had always gotten along with.

@Bill: Yeah, it'll be very easy to see once it comes out—it's one of those HDNET things that debuts simultaneous day-and-date in theaters, on DVD, and on demand.

Herman Scobie

Any chance you'll be in Iron Man II?


Manohla Dargis called you the scum of the earth. Congratulations!


How many minutes are you on screen?


And, did you get your SAG card outta this?

Glenn Kenny

@Tess: Don't know my screen time. I'd guess more than two minutes, less than ten.

And no, no SAG card. I'm gonna have to fire my agent.


Porn stars going straight, film critics going porn. It's a mad, mad, mad, mad media world...

don lewis

Here's the new episode of "PG Porn" featuring the chick that co-starred in Glenn's Soderbergh movie:


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