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January 08, 2009


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Or the 70s, when -- if you were lucky -- you might get Philip Glass as a cabbie. Or Travis Bickle.

I hit the OFF button on those damn TVs as soon as I get in. Still, it's better than when they had that seat-belt campaign going on, and every time you got in there was that damn tape-looped Elmo telling you to "Buckle up, for safety!"

Yeah, buckle your lip, lintface, before I do it for you.


Man, Ripa was HOTTT when she was on AMC. Sorry to see the march of time go one...

Michael Adams

Thank goodness I'm too poor to ride cabs.

lou lumenick

On a recent trip to the emergency room, I was confronted by Lyons Pere and Bayles in the back seat of my cab.


He, imagine how it feels to be the cabbie in this situation. Those poor bastards hear that shit ALL. DAY. LONG.

Glenn Kenny

@Lou—Yes, that must have been awful. But at least the NBC manifestation of Taxi TV sometimes offers segments featuring the toothsome (as yuppified TV mannequins go) Sarah Gore.

@Bilge—No, it must be hell for the cabbies. Another reason for them to pretty much glue the Bluetooth earpiece to their heads.

Ryan Kelly

So someone who stops puffing is 'reformed'? I wasn't aware it was a sin!


Ripa's still hot. At least IMHO.

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