As a white, male, American heterosexual approaching the age of 50 (don't worry, I'm not gonna whine about how I'm oppressed) I have a simultaneously dim and vivid memory of how Anne Francis' portrayal of super-hot female spy, detective, um—whatever-the-hell-she-was-except-she-had-a-skintight-head-to-toe-turtleneck-jumpsuit-and-a-pet-ocelot—Honey West was an, ahem, formative experience for my hormonally underdeveloped self during the 1965-66 season that Ms. West had a television series named for her. Just scored the VCI four-disc set of the complete series (definitely the first, and likely the last, DVD set with the copy "From Executive Producer Aaron Spelling" on its box that I'll ever spend money on), and will report back later as to whether the thrill has gone, or not. Or not. I don't wanna get too self-indulgent, after all...
UPDATE: Having just dipped into the set I have to say it does not disappoint. Francis is, um, sassy. And the half-hour format necessitates a lot of plot compression, so man are these episodes brisk. Quite a treasure trove for a variety of cultists, as Michael J. Pollard, Joe Don Baker, Ray Danton, and other such figures turn up in guest spots; Ida Lupino directs one episode. I had forgotten Honey's pet ocelot was named Bruce. He's adorable.
UPDATE: I grant the commenter Mr. Dayoub his wish below the jump.
You know who she looked like? Christie Love. 'Member that TV show "Get Christie Love"? She was a black female cop. She always used to
say "You're under arrest, sugar."
I was in the sixth grade when that show was on. I totally dug it.
What the fuck was the name of the chick who played Christie Love?
Anne Francis?
Anne Francis was white.
Posted by: Harvey | September 10, 2008 at 10:53 PM
As long as you're updating this with a pic of Bruce the ocelot, any chance I can twist you're arm into posting a medium or full-length shot of the beautiful Anne Francis (don't get me wrong... I love the ultra close-up you posted).
Posted by: Tony Dayoub | September 11, 2008 at 04:01 PM