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June 15, 2008


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Gerard De Groot

Glenn, have you read or perused the Marc Master's No Wave Book? If you have, is it worth a buy?

And the next time you see Alan Licht, tell him I really enjoyed his An Emotional Memoir of Martha Quinn.

Glenn Kenny

Have neither read nor perused the Master book, although I ought to. I am, of course, a big fan of "Martha Quinn." The book, that is.

Pete Apruzzese

Hi, Glenn.

Glad you enjoyed the show at the Lafayette. Our pal Joe didn't tell me you were there until after you'd gone back on the train. Make him bring you up to the booth next time :)

Take care.

Tim Lucas

Glenn, you consistently astound me in the variety of ways you prove yourself a kindred spirit. I was one of probably 11 people in the state of Ohio who bought NO NEW YORK. I still cherish it, despite the crappy Antilles pressing. Thanks for covering this.


As one of a likely select group of folks who cherish both NO NEW YORK and THE JOLSON STORY (not to mention the mind-boggling JOLSON SINGS AGAIN), hail hail!

Keep up the wonderful blog.

Generic Viagra

Hey boy your pictures at leisure are incredible.Thank you.

Elizabeth D.Taylor

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